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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

{ The Proposal }

When I posted our engagement announcement on FB, I wrote a quick summary of how Cole asked me to marry him. But, I was given great advice from one of my girlfriends, who advised me to write it all down-Everything I can remember and how I felt. Because years from now, time will fade those memories and I want to be able to look back and recall this amazing night. 

First of all, my mom had been given my great-grandmother's diamond ring, who is also my namesake, and she had been waiting to give it to me when I met "the one". This made my ring so incredibly special to me and my mom. I took Cole to California over the summer to celebrate my birthday and to meet my family. While we were there, Cole asked my parents for their permission and blessing. Such an old-school tradition but, I knew my parents would appreciate it. 

So, we came back from California with their blessing and my ring! I was beyond excited. It needed some repair work done, naturally, being from 1915 or so. Upon getting back to Utah, we immediately took my ring to Cole's uncle, who works at a local jeweler here.

For the following weeks, Cole told me multiple stories to throw me off, like his uncle called and said it wouldnt be ready for a month or so yadi-yada. He was so good at throwing me off on the timing of the proposal. Even faking a fight with his Aunt about her not ordering something he asked her to and being all upset about how that was throwing off the date he wanted to propose. So funny looking back now and realizing these were all little lies he was telling so that I had NO idea when it was happening. 

The day of the proposal ended up being the most perfect day. I had spent the night with one of my best friends up in SLC. We had a super fun girls night! We went to dinner at one of our fav spots, painted our nails and watched a chick flick. I had made several appointments at local bridal shops the next day to try on dresses. I was PRACTICALLY engaged right?! So we went dress shopping and spent a lovely day together. Little did I know that Cole had called her and filled her in that he was proposing that night. He made sure that my bff had me paint my nails the night before because he knew how important that was to me, that my nails were, at least, painted. Hes so perfect, right?! He is unreal, sometimes.

The night of the proposal, Cole and I had been planning on visiting his family who was "visiting from out of town" for s'mores and a movie. NOT the truth. His whole family was in on this lil secret. The whole drive up to his aunt's cabin at Sundance, he is going over names and the last time he saw them, etc. We pull up to the cabin and there are lights strung up everywhere, which I didnt think anything of. I get out of the car and we start walking over and I still didnt put two and two together! There was a lil pathway of stairs leading down and over a bridge, which Cole had lined with lil lumineers. It wasnt until we were down two or three steps and I saw the bridge was covered with lights and a canopy was set up on the patio and saw of one his best friends, Sky with a camera that it finally hit me. I looked at him and gasped, OH WAIT! THIS IS FOR ME!! 

We walked under the canopy which was covered in lights and balloons that each had pictures of us hanging from them. He took my hands and said some amazing things that made us both tear up and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. As soon as I said yes and we kissed, his whole family came spilling out of the cabin to congratulate us. They all had helped decorate and made this a night I will never forget. there was even candy "S'mores" to keep the charade going of the lie about S'mores with the family. I was so surprised and it was everything Ive ever dreamed this moment would be like. Dream proposal to my dream man! 

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