Hey friends,
I just wanted to share some thoughts and personal updates. Cole and I both, obviously, have had a lot going on lately. Things have been stressful, not only because of all the wedding planning, but a few weeks ago, Cole lost his job. The reason behind why he got let go was so stupid and we both were upset about what happened. Poor management is the reason, really. The timing was just horrible, and it just added to our stress to now, start job hunting on top of everything else. It was just so unexpected that it threw us for a loop. Cole doesnt like change (who does?) and this was hard for him, but he really looked at it as a blessing in disguise to find something better.
I'm so proud of Cole for being so on top of his job search, though. Within a day or two, he had several interviews lined up and within a week, he had two job offers! Cole's stepdad's girlfriend, Sofia, had a connection at 1800 Contacts (a contact subscription company based in Draper) and she found out that within their Health and Wellness department, one of their personal trainers is goin on Maternity Leave soon. So, Cole applied for a customer service rep position, got an interview and was hired on the spot. We are hoping that this trainer position opens sooner, rather than later, and that they will hire within, and Cole will be their first pick!
Cole started his training this week. It's a 4-week long, 5 days a week, paid training period. Cole wasnt too excited about that, but so far, they seem like a great company that strives to put the happiness of their employees as a top priority. They have great pay and benefits, a wellness center, with a gym and obviously, trainers, for their employees, and an amazing cafe/cafeteria for everyone. Cole told me that they are very social and have company events pretty often and I am very excited about that. I need more social outlets and would love to get to know some of the wives and co-workers. All in all, this is a great opportunity for Cole and Im so happy that he is working so hard to provide for us.
This may sound funny, but I am actually missing school, a little bit. I dont miss the homework, of course. But, I want to be working towards my degree and want to just be done already. I want to graduate and be out in the real world, making a difference. I want to make an impact in others' lives and help make their world brighter, better. I've been so consumed with the wedding, and everything that I'm missing working on my other goals and dreams. Cole and I will both be back at UVU in the fall and I cant wait to talk to a counselor about graduation and where Im at.
That's all for now xxo Natalie
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